The belief that YOU can have a meaningful career is the first step to finding one.
Sean Aiken
What is counseling?
The Merriam- Webster Dictionary defines counseling as, "the provision of assistance and guidance in resolving personal, social, or psychological problems and difficulties, especially by a professional."
Simply put, counseling is seeking assistance from a helping hand. Life comes with joy and excitement, but also challenges and turmoil. In the good times, we often feel empowered, resilient, and sometimes even on top-of-the-world. In the bad times, however, we can feel lost, defeated, and alone.
Counseling is designed to provide support and guidance through those times of uncertainty, isolation, and defeat. Counseling is also designed to keep you moving through life's adversities. As Martin Luther King Jr. so eloquently stated, “If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run, then walk, if you can’t walk, then crawl, but by all means, keep moving.” My commitment to you is to help you move forward to reaching YOUR True North!
What is career counseling?
Career counseling is meant to provide wellness, satisfaction, and empowerment in your place of work. Topics that are typically discussed are designed to give you a better understanding of yourself and the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life decisions.
Consider this:
In order to achieve the greatest degree of satisfaction and fulfillment from your work, you need to understand who you are, how you identify with yourself in relation to the workplace, and how your feelings about your work influences the overall meaning and level of satisfaction you have in your life.
Understanding your perception of work on a personal level requires you to be true to yourself on your ‘journey’ of self-discovery to your True North. You need to feel free to pursue the career path that you feel will bring you the most satisfaction and fulfillment on the job. But job satisfaction and fulfillment isn’t all you need to consider when deciding which career path to take. You also need to consider how your career path will impact your life beyond nine to five!
What career counseling services are offered?
Career exploration
Career transition
Stress, anxiety, and depression as it relates to your career development
Vocational discernment
Career wellness
Self- care strategies
Adjusting to work-life in St. Louis, MO (for St. Louis transplants)
General career counseling: You pick the topic. I am here to listen.
Assessment Interpretation:
Want to gain deeper insight into yourself. The assessments and activities below may be a fit for you. IMPORTANT: Career Assessments are tools and resources. They are not tests. There are no right or wrong answers. They will NOT tell you who you are and what you should be doing. Assessments are designed to give you deeper insight into an area of yourself, which is very helpful in making career decisions. Each assessment and activity will require at least one face-to-face appointment.
Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): I will will provide access to the assessment and report. Additional fee.
Self- Report: Designed to help you understand your psychological preferences and how you perceive the world.
Knowdell Career Card Sorts: In session activity.
Skills: Exploring the areas you are good at.
Interests: Exploring the areas you enjoy.
Values: Exploring what is important to you.
StrengthsFinder: You will need to purchase the assessment (typically $12) and I will provide the interpretation and help you relate it to your career goals.
StrengthsFinder is very helpful in identifying the strengths that you can bring to the workplace.
How long is each session?
A typical session is 50 minutes; sometimes a bit longer, and others a bit shorter. As for the longevity of the therapeutic relationship, it really depends on your wants and needs. Some people come to counseling for just a few weeks, while others stay much longer. It is important to note that while one issue often brings us to counseling, the original rupture does not occur in a vacuum. Oftentimes much more is brought to the surface which reminds us that the timeline of counseling is fluid.
What can I expect during each session?
First and foremost, you can expect a friendly face and a welcoming environment. Each appointment will be face-to-face. My primary goal is to offer a safe and open environment where I can provide YOU with new ways to cope with everyday personal and professional life stressors. Sessions are completely confidential UNLESS your personal safety is at stake, or the safety of a minor or elder. I want to help you develop the skills that are necessary in building meaningful and productive lives and get one step closer to reaching your True North.
How much is each session?
$90-$125 per session (sliding scale possible in certain situations)